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Descent Into The Roots: Essential Key To Your Embodiment and Power

Updated: Feb 7

My loves,

Descending into the roots is not a lovely process. We usually don't like leaving the higher dimensions of softness, and sunshine and rainbows to go back down into the lower frequencies. But babes!!! It is ESSENTIAL. Most people, when we wake up we go right into higher dimensions so that we can rehabilitate from the lower dimensions. And it is normal... for some time. It is normal to rest and it is much needed. Especially because during this time (which usually happens in the first phases of the spiritual awakening) we reconnect with higher stations of identity, with our Higher self, with our spirit guides, with our star family, with the spirit of mother nature, with fairies and so forth... and the world is so beautiful. This is a necessary time where you gain wisdom, your DNA gets activated, maybe you begin remembering past lives, you wake up to you soul purpose and a lot of healing takes place as well. At some point there is a call from GOD to descend back into lower dimensions so that you can RETRIEVE the parts of your that you may have left when you flew up into higher frequencies.

Personally, when I woke up spiritually, my partner and I fled (lol) we fled our state and moved to California to rehabilitate. We lived in our own world where we smoked weed every day, microdosed plant medicine, received many codes... we were healing a lot together, analyzing our lives in 3d, and our lives before our awakening. We thought we would never come back into lower dimensions. Until we began looking around and noticed that I, for example had zero social skills. I was disassociating from the world so much that I had anxiety over exchanging two words with someone else other than my partner. We had no jobs (because ew, that's 3d) therefore no money, we had no structure AND I also noticed how I felt blurry in my life... it's like my goal is to find myself, and to embody my truth yet it felt like there were some veils between my level of awareness and who I am meant to be. And that is when I realized that I had NO foundation. The part of me that I left in the lower dimension felt almost foreign to me. However.... it is this part of me that actually has the social skills.... it is this part of me that embodies the ability to navigate this world without begin terrified and traumatized by everything.

It was a painful descent. And it was much needed.

Now I feel so much more grounded and clear. In 2023, due to the descent I have experienced more shifts and activations than in the 3 whole years before that. I feel more clear on my purpose, I have my foundation and now I am focused on building my self-regenerative structure.

In this month's podcast episode I go in depth on why descending into the roots is ESSENTIAL. It is the FIRST step to your embodiment.

You can also watch the YouTube video if you prefer that!

Do you resonate with this? Have you experienced a similar descent? Or perhaps you are disassociating from lower dimensions and feel blurry because of it?

Let me know in the comments)

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